Web Central Games - Serious Sam
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No need to install game to play.
Down load and unzip file, copy Serious Sam folder to any place on your on computer.
Open Serious Sam folder then open Bin folder.
Click on Serious Same start game icon.
See help images below.
Serious Sam Bin folder location. This folder will start with location where you copied game too.
Serious Sam start icon in folder loaction Serious Sam > Bin
In Serious Sam, the player takes on the identity of the titular Sam, who is, as the title indicates, very, very serious.He's quite serious about blowing the living beejeezus out of anything that accidentally wanders into his way, be it beheaded shotgun assassins, skeletal cows or the occasional giant lava monster. From the start, you're shooting at masses of enemies, picking up ammo and health power ups and generally looking for the next key/door or button/door combination necessary to move on to the next level. Plan on doing a lot of this, 'cause this is the essence of the game, which is repeated throughout the next 14 levels, until Sam reaches the final climactic boss battle.